dustins first tank. 120 gallon(lots of pics)

i know they dont need one but i want one and i want the clowns to have one but i read somewhere that you shouldnt add one for a certain amount of time but i dont remember what time length it said
You need a very mature system for an anemone....like 8 months old at the least.Piggy is right,clowns don't need an anemone and you will need intense light to keep one.Nothing can foul a system faster than a melting anemone.You can add snails now if you are having algae they can feed on.Consider adding some nassarius to stir/scavenge the sand bed when you do add fish.
im going with what biff said as far as a clean up crew and very soon i am upgrading lights to T-5's so lighting shouldnt be a problem after that. if yall would like to make donations for these lights since im 16 and have no job i would appreciate it
16 is old enough to get a job. Start huntin'.

Anemones do not do well in tanks that are less than a year old. I say wait 8 months at the minimum. Clowns will be perfectly fine without one. Most clowns have been tank bred for generation after generation and have never seen an anemone in their lives. They do just fine. They couldn't care less.
i want a job but i cant get one since i have no reliable transportation. and are onyx clowns easy to find or is there a lot of hunting to be done to find one and is there a difference between black and white clowns and onyx or are they the same fish?
Take the bus or train?

Geez, what's wrong with you kids these days. Maybe you should start saving up for a car instead of a fish tank? Buy an aircooled beetle or something. :frustrat:
ok so question, what exactly is an onyx clown. is it a different name for a black and white clown or is it a different species of clown
They use Onyx for wild caught Percula clownfish.Black and white clowns are tank bred-genetically altered version of Ocellaris clowns.