Fish List for a saltwater system 150gal


Reefing newb
ok this is a revised list of fish i was think about

7 bluegreen chromis
5 zebra dartfish
1 red firefish
1 yellow watchmen goby and shrimp
1 yellowhead jaw fish
1 midas blenny
2 ocellaris clownfish
2 banner cardinalfish
3 filamented flasher wrasse

so tell me what you think i'll have 150 lbs of live rock and an under tank sump with refug
I do... and even with the list minus either the chromis or the dartfish, you still need to take your time and stock slowly.
Chromis are neat to watch, have a school of 7 in my 180 and they are constantly out and about and on the move. I added two Blue Gudgeon Dartfish about two weeks ago and hardly ever see them as the hide in or behind the rocks most all the time. And I have no one that is picking on them so I think this is just their nature. I also have two Firefish in another tank and they are out in the middle all day long. Personally if it was me I would go with the Chromis and up the number to 2 Firefish as I believe they feel more comfortable/secure in at least a pair. My :twocents:.
If I've done my addition well, you were contemplating 23 fish in a 150 gallon aquarium. I think you will be fairly overstocked at that number, and you will run into a lot of water quality issues and stressed fish. If you scale back to one school (either chromis or dartfish), you would be in good shape! Alternatively, you could do smaller schools and keep both types.