Getting back into Reef Keeping with my Husband of 2 months!

Ok, so far I think I have decided on a 150 gallon minimum (I just don't like the 18" depth idea - I saw a 120 that was approx: 48" x 24" x 25" - I like the more squared out depth to height vs. the narrowness of an 18").. I will probably have to get myself to somehow spend the extra on a 36" x 36" x 27" or look around for a custom sized 150 or bigger.

Anyways, back on topic, a 150 gallon glass minimum with these as a minimum equipment list:

3x Koralia 5 (1650 gph each)
CoraLife Protein Skimmer 220 (500 gph)
200 - 250 lbs. Live Rock
200 lbs. Live Sand
Aquarium Heater (big enough for a 150 gal)
Hood and Stand (I will probably build one myself for it with the help of my husband)

I am still stuck on:

What kind of Lighting System for a 150 gallon reef
and anything else I need.

Please give me your opinions and suggestions on all of this. Thanks!!
I would suggest a reef octopus or hydro skimmer, the coralife skimmer are really crappy. With skimmers, you really get what you pay for so be wary of cheap skimmers. Also i would look into metal halides for your lighting system.

Also, you dont need to buy live sand. Just get dry agronite sand, and within a few weeks that sand will be live. You also dont need to buy all live rock. I would get mostly dry rock as well and just a few piece of live rock for the same reason. That will end up saving you a ton of money you can spend on the fun stuff, like cool fish and corals!

It also a good idea to get a few heaters, instead of one big one. They break more than anything else in this hobby.
Ok so I change the CoraLife out for a Reef Octopus Extreme 8 Inch XS200 (200 Gallon) In Sump Protein Skimmer w/ Gate Valve.
Does anyone know what the Reef Octopus Extreme XS200 rate at as far as gph? Is it 880 gph?