Green Hornet Zoanthids

Just got an email from Fedex and my package is there and ready to be picked up. Sucks I'm at work and can't get there for a little while. I'm sure they'll be just fine in the package. Lisa uses an insulated box with heat pads.
This is the free frag she sent me. It's a pic from their website.

Dave, glad to see they took care of you after someone (who I will not name) sent a nasty email to that vendor about naming zoas. Seems like we are graced here with the presence of the Master Zoa Namer.
Lawrence, I am sorry you seem to have a problem with me, or the fact that I called attention to the blatant mis-namming of a coral by a vendor. I hold no claim to being a master zoa namer, never said I was. I also feel if you have an issue with me, you should bring it to me, why would you stir it up on a public forum. I am easy to talk to, I can admit when I am wrong, and I can admit when I don't have the answer and need help.
I don't want to alarm anybody, but I've noticed dozens of times what reefers in one area of the country call "super duper zoas" in another state they're called "red giant killer zoas"....for example. It drives me crazy, but in all reality the only time I actually care what they're called is when I'm shopping for them and need to locate them at a store.

I prefer to think of zoas like a playboy model, I don't really care what her name is, as long as she's fun to look at. :D

(I hope picasso doesn't read this)