Hitchhiker anemone


Reefing newb
I know it will be hard without a picture but i was wondering if yall could ID this for me. Its to small for my camera to get a pic with. But its purplish with short stubby tenticals that are neon green at the tip. It looks pink in the middle where the mouth is. Any ideas on any anemones i can google and see if thats what it is?
They are horrible pests. Kill them ASAP. You can use Aiptasia X to kill them. They took over my 240, killed everything they touched, and I had to boil 500 lbs of rocks to get rid of them. And then they still came back!
Got one more for you guys. I keep getting glimpses of this what looks like a worm. It too is a hitchhiker, it is pinkish with what almost looks like thorns on it. It real skiddish and when it sees me its goes back in the rock.
Sounds just like a bristleworm. They are beneficial scavengers and will keep your rocks and sand clean. Nothing to worry about.
I keep reading that bristle worms are beneficial, but is it possible to have too many of them? There are craploads in my sand and live rock. I picked up a piece of LR the other day and I swear at least 15 bristle worms came out of nowhere.
nothing to worry about on the bristle worms. If you see 15, there are probably 150 you dont see. If you just dont like the looks of them, put a couple silversides in the toe of a nylon over night then take it out in the morning. Some of them will get stuck in the nylon while eating the food.