hmmm time to clean?

funny you should ask that. I lifted out the sponge-thingys and all the salt came out in one thick piece, shaped like my overflow box, almost like some nasty sculpture. I took it to my sink and ran water over it and watched it all disappear. Pretty nasty.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
yeah, I know. I will do a better clean next week, when it is all broken down. 7 days and counting til the move and a new tank. I measured out my new room for my tank and it is perfect for a 600. That is what I will target for my *ULTIMATE* tank. gotta love it.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Hahaha. Right now, I have such a strong urge to edit your post to say, "I measured out my new room for my tank and it is perfect for a 6."
scared? feeling a bit intimidated? fighting the urge to usurp your might mod-like superpowers against me to feel better? Fear not, young Biff, I am a looong time away from that tank (unless it shows up on craigslist for super cheap). You will be the 2nd big tank for a long time (don't forget Winy's 850 - that one will stand for quite a while as the king).

-Dr Marco :sfish: