How long does it take?


Semper FI
Well ever since i got my mushrooms ive had a burning question. How long does it take for them to split and make new ones? My guess is it depends on a lot of things. BTW the new spots i put them in they must love because both have opened all the way up:bounce: and my rock with the purple mushroom when i moved it actually has 2 real tiny ones on the underside:bounce: SCORE!!
cant really tell how long will it take to them to split..all depends on water quality and nutrients..they dont like to much water flow..or theyll move to another place..try to keep em bettwen shadow and ligth..good luck..dont forget to post pics!!
Thanks for the input. How is Doctor hood going? Yes they are in more shadow spot and out of the lights and flow...I can tell they like it to by the way they opened up. My pics of them are on my build page. You can see them there. Unfortunatly the green on the green mushrooms doesnt show up to well
You should start seeing new baby mushrooms within a month. They tend to split pretty quickly, but probably not until they are settled in for a while. The growth is exponential though, so you'll see more and more as time goes on (one mushroom splits into two, those two split into two each, those four each split into two, etc).