How to get an NON coral eating Angel fish


welp, that didn't work..
Welp, I can't have any tangs so I really want an angel. I Have a cubed shaped 30g with a 10g sump, so obviously tangs are out of the question. I got a flame angel about 4 months ago, and saying that it "picked" at some of my corals was probably an understatement. It probably would have killed a few if I hadn't removed him. So I'm wanting to try again but I was gonna ask if there is some magical way of getting an angel that you know wouldn't pick at corals. (I would just buy another and try, but it is really really hard to get an angel out of your tank without tearing down the whole thing.) Possibly anyone know somewhere in the DFW TX area where I can find one?
Super glue their mouth shut?:dunno:

Angels are coral nippers. They tend to be a 50/50 chance of them leaving corals alone. And for the which angels, you are stuck with the dwarf and pygmy angels.
Its still 50/50, but I will say our Coral beauty doesn't touch a thing.
exactly ,and other people have flame angels that don't touch anything,or a koran that doesn't touch anything..
i had made the decision amber brought up...angels or corals....i chose angels...but i still keep easy basic things....ex: shrooms,rics,hammer coral