How to set up a Nano tank?


Reefing newb
I want to start a nano Fowl tank with my spare tanks and equipments in my garage.
Need some ideas and opinions on this.

I need it to be small enough to fit on my desk.
current spare equipments:
23 gallon tank
10 gallon tank
2x 5 gallon tank
7 gallon tank
a juwel t5 unit and a arcadia t8 light unit.
juwel skimmer
external filter (forgot brand)
some tubings.

also got a few kgs of live rock and critters(snails and brittle stars)which i take out from my sump.

No particular advice as I'm not vexperienced with pico tanks but recently I've ended up with a pico kitchen top tank by default. I started up a little tank with peppies so I could send live rocks there when they came in with aptaisa on them to get cleaned up. It turned out to be so pretty and interesting to watch that I just added two teeny weeny gobies, a gold and a clown. Loads of fun.