I think my cycle is over!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry guys - didn't catch the 12 gallon part. I saw the 40 gallon which I notice now is the freshwater.

As Underwaterworld indicates that puts a whole different spin on the fish situation as well as the cycle. I've got no experience with a tank that small so I will bow out.

Sorry for the confusion.
I second Yote's opinion, definitely DO NOT add any more animals, ESPECIALLY inverts such as crabs or snails, while your ammonia and nitrite still read anything but 0. Inverts are extremely sensitive to water parameters (more so than fish), and ammonia and nitrite will quickly and easily kill them.

I also think a 12 gallon is too small to mix a damsel and a clown.

Be patient. Don't add anything more until your cycle is done (ammonia and nitrite at 0).