Introduced two Diamong Watchman Gobies and now...


Reefing newb
I have a 125gal with 150lbs of live rock and 180lbs of Ocean Direct Caribbean Live Sand original grade substrate. The tank has been up and running for about 7 months. I recently introduced a mated pair of Diamond Watchman Gobies to stir up the substrate and keep it pretty oxygenated. Oh boy are they doing a fine job at this! They are a blast to watch but my problem is this. My water is now become cloudy from the fine sand that they kicking up all of the time. At first it was horrible. It has now subsided alot but it's still present. It goes away within an hour after they're through playing around. How much longer will this last or is this something I have to put up with forever? Can I do anything to help reduce this cloudiness? Thanks again for your replies. I've been reading this forum for a long time. Just now needed help.
Don't will go away :) My tank kept getting cloudy EVERY friggin' day for a few weeks, and that's just from 1 goby!! But it gets better, trust me. Your skimmer will be skimming like crazy. Problem is if you have corals, I've heard they have a habit of spitting the sand onto the corals. I have a fowlr, so I never had to worry.
That is why I always recommend putting them in the tank right at the beginning to people but yes it does go away if you have a good skimmer or filter to catch it. Mine got so bad that it even clogged the skimmer sponge and I had to rinse it several times.

But yes it eventually clears and then it will stay clean.
HA I was just going through my youtube videos and found this one of my goby when I first added him too funny

[ame=]Goby cleans house! - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks everyone. It gives me something to look forward to. I relocated the only three corals I have to the 29 gal biocube cause I was afraid the cloudyness would hurt them. They seem to enjoy it better now.
I didn't want to hijack someone's else thread so I decided to post on mine. The other thread was along the lines of having a problem with adding new sand to already seasoned sand and how to clear it up. Someone said to add a sock to the sump. If I did this, what micron and would it help?
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