lawn mower blenny


Reefing newb
hey guys i was wondering if you guys would know what is wrong with lawn mower blenny, he seems to have no ailments but is very skinny dispite there being a lot of algae he seems to hide a lot an rest on my magnetic algae scraper i do see him eating some. He just seems to stay in one spot for a long time hours sometimes.
lawn mower blenny's need pods to eat. Unless your tank is around 6 months old you prob don't have many. That is the main source of food for it and it is hard to get them to eat frozen foods.
Alto,your thinking about a mandrine.
Get some seaweed sheets and either rubberband some to a rock or put it in a seaweed clip.
There are a lot of different types of green algae,with only a few being ediable to certian fish.
Yote is correct, Alto is wrong :D. Algae is the main food source for lawnmower blennies, not pods.

Some lawnmower blennies just don't take to the algae we have growing in our tanks already and need to be fed seaweed sheets (like Yote said). Maybe yours is just picky/spoiled.
Yote is correct,Biff is correct,Alto is wrong,He was probably confusing Scooter blennies which isn't a blenny at all.I'll go ahead and say what I always say....a skinny fish with no external signs and lack of appetite equals possible worms-internal parasite.

Before we jump the gun.Does it eat any of the other foods you feed?I would try mysis,algae sheets and frozen foods made for omnivores.