LED Lighting Fan Noise


Reefing newb
I have read that fan noise from LED lighting can be somewhat noisy and I am concerned. My tank is in my living room so I do not want much noise if possible. I am going to the LFS next Saturday to discuss him building a an LED setup into my stock hood (ripping out the florescent ballast). Are there fanless options that utilize large heat sinks? All my questions will likely be answered by the LFS owner next Saturday, but I was hoping to get a head start and go into the discussion with a little more knowledge.
Not all led fixtures are noisy, at least mine isn't. But it depends on the design on the fixture, and the type of housing, and the heatsink like you've mentioned. Led's don't really get hot, so a fan can be eliminated from the design if built correctly. The fan does prolong the lifespan of the led's tho.
I am having the same issue with fan noise. I trusted my local fish store for advice on providing a LED fixture with less noise than the fans in my nano cube 24. I bought a MPAC 120W fixture. The noise was at least twice as loud with a much higher pitch. It was loud enough that I didn't even bother installing it. Instead I will be asking for store credit Monday. I may try a Panorama Pro LED Fixture. It doesn't have any fans at all.