Lighting debate: LED vs MH/T5

Wonton if you really want to do LED lights I would recommend looking for some used Solaris PFO lighting systems. A lot of people have lights that they were unable to get parts for. All you need do is buy a couple of systems and then replace the parts as needed to make a complete system. Just a thought.
holy crap, $7+ per LED?!?!? and i was reading, one guy used 12 of them on a 10 gallon... wow, thats not cheap!

i'm gonna see if i cant find anything any cheaper..
Good thread you found, CC.

Even at $7/led, in the long term when it comes to bulb replacement and electricity usage, led would be cheaper.

I agree the technology is iffy right now, but for the advancement of this hobby, I think it's great to experiment. Since I plan to test it on just hardy mushrooms at first, I still think we will go forward with this, if not just for the chance to DIY something else LOL At least my fishies will have light, even if it won't be good enough for corals. I'm sure, though, shrooms would thrive. But we'll see!
yea, i'm looking at it as a way to suppliment what i have, but the more i look at it, the uglier the math gets... i've got a few led's picked out from digikey, but i'm still not 100% sure that i'm picking the right spectrums, and or figuring enough of them to give me a decent intensity...
Ok, so the hubby and I were talking tonight, and I realized that he'd be happy with the the mushrooms in the tank. Which is good for me, because then I'm not as stressed w/ having perfect water conditions. At least the shrooms are hardy. So I think we'll still be ok w/ going the LED route. Even if multiple LED's end up costing around the same, it's a matter of being able to buy just a little bit at a time as opposed to shelling out hundreds of dollars in one shot. Plus of course I don't have to worry about using up so much electricity.

Maybe in a few years, when the economy turns for the better, and if the LED's aren't working out, I'll upgrade to T5's. But for now, seeing as how I have no lighting at all, I'll go with the more economical route. Plus it'll keep him busy building it ;)