lighting for 55


Reefing newb
is it possible to use fluorescent lighting for 55 gal reef?
have found 10000K, 20000K, and actinic fluorescent lights.
Is there a combination that would work well? 24 inch are 20 watt t-12
48 inch are 40 watt t-12? If not whats an inexpensive route to take to equip a 55 for reef?
thanks for any advice

What kind of corals do you want to keep? Any clams or anemones?

The kinda of lighting you choose greatly depends on what you want to keep in the tank.

I am realativly new to marine aquariums. I plan to start slow with some easy to care for, moderate light mushrooms, and polyp's. Would like to house clown fish anenome duo as well. Other than that have not decided yet, I am up to any suggestions if you have them
If you want an anemone, you will have to get stronger light. I have T5s from Champion Lighting (Current Nova brand) and they weren't that expensive... Not as expensive as metal halides. My anemone and corals are doing very well under them, I got the four bulb combo for my 55-gallon tank (they also have an eight bulb one).

I won't say mushrooms and polyps can't be kept under t-12 lighting, because honetly i have never tried and don't know anyone that has, but of all the corals they are some of the lowest lighting.

For the anemone you will defenitly need VHO, T5, or MHs.
thanks guys, thats what I needed to know. I found some pretty good deals online for metal halide. I am going to have to do some more reading on kelvin rating wattage and all that jazz still a little confusing. I think the challenge of making this thing work will be just as fun as the finished product.
hello, metal halides would definatly be the best choice if you can afford them. with a 55 gallon you would probly need like two 150watt HQI or two 175 watt moguls, then try and get 14K bulbs. that will give you good color without needing suplamental lighting