Lighting Question


Reefing newb
So I've got all my equipment that I need to start up my new tank, but after much thought I decided my little old coralife light probably isn't going to cut it for lighting. I've been looking at lights for a good week now and they are dang freaking expensive! I did find one company that makes a nice looking light for pretty cheap(cheap being 250 bucks) but thats better then 500.
Deep Blue Professional SolarXtreme Quad T5HO 36"

For some reason it copied huge. Does anyone know anything about these? Or could anyone recommend a light that is in a decent price range but would work for soft corals and maybe a few trees. Any help would be great thank you
It's a 56 gallon, but it's a weird size. The dimensions on it are 30" W x 18" D x 24" H So i'm trying to find a light that will fit it.
Yeah, definitely check around online, you can find a light cheaper than that. You can even check
Dude Smitty you are a life saver. Not only did I find a light that will fit my tank, it was a 100 bucks cheaper. Thanks for the tip man. Now I just need to get a stand built and I can start the build