
You need a MASSIVE chiller. The tank needs to stay really cold as they are not tropical lobsters. It will be expensive and not worth it IMO
Deja vu? We had the exact same question just a few weeks ago!

Alexander is right. You need to find a way to keep the water super cold. Chillers will do this, but they are really expensive (even the smallest ones are usually $400+). And I don't know if reef tank chillers will even keep water cold enough to keep a lobster. People that have done this apparently have to use an industrial strength chiller, like the ones they have in seafood restaurants and supermarkets.
The only reasonable way that I think you could do this would be to find a former industrial lobster tank. They pop up on ebay occasionally. They do have reef lobsters that are more suited to warm water.
U could put a little piece into the filter or something , but then it would fog and melt away so forget my idea.
...which would then form carbonic acid in the water, drop the pH and probably kill everything.

The dry ice idea is a definite no-go.
When I was younger my stepdad brought home 4 live lobsters from the market and I tried to liberate them, but had no way to drive to the beach so he cooked them. :( I was sad, I named them and everything.
My sister watched that movie literally every day for a year! I can probably still recite every G-D word of that stupid movie. Dinglehopper!
I don't remember what I named them, but watching them suffer in the pot made me never want to eat lobster again.