MegaFlow Sump Filter


Reefing newb

I will be purchasing a MegaFlow Sump Filter model 2 for my 75 gallon already predrilled. I was wondering if you can correct me if I have everything I need to complete this project ? Thank you

MegaFlow Sump Filter model 2
CSS 65 Skimmer
a Mag drive submersible 950 pump
A heater
Accessory Kit

Vinyl tubing and hose clamps(plastic clamps in water,stainless steel out of water)is all I can tell is missing.The megaflow comes with the drain hoses but not return hoses.

Whats the accessory kit?Is that the standpipes and bulkhead fitting for megaflow tanks?
I think thats the return kit? If it is,The clamps Reef mentioned,and some teflon tape for the threaded ends.
Do you already have the CSS65? If not I would get the 125. They say the the rating is really half of what is stated. Other than that I think they got you covered. Good luck and keep us updated.
Well Yote also has a 65 on his 55 and I think he likes it, but I have read soo many posts were either people are not happy with the 65 on the 55 tank or they upgraded to the 125 and then were happy. But yeah for almost all skimmers you should cut the rated size in half then go from there.
I love my CSS 65.Its always full of that great smelling,black as coal tar,gunk.
The only problem I have ever had,is when I first got my sump,The skimmer would overflow the cup in about 10 seconds.But that was a simple fix by turning the water from the pump down.Now its right back to doing its thing and as long as I empty the cup every day,it works great.