Melanie's 8 Gallon and 46 Work in Progress


Reefing newb
I figured it was about time I do a little bit of showcaseing, seeing as I always enjoy looking at photo's of everyone elses tanks xD

This is my 8 gallon Bio cube, it's been going in my care since august '09 but was kept for over a year by friends prior to me having it. For fish it has a black ocellaris clown and a neon eviota goby, and it also has a peppermint shrimp, a pompom crab and a pistol shrimp.



And a few corals,


And here's my 46 gallon bowfront. I can never seem to be happy with the placement of the live rock in this tank and everytime I move it around it just doesn't seems to get much closer to the way i want it xD It's a little bit of a pain but it's coming along. For fish this one has 3 Allen's Damsels and one ocellaris clown.


And here are some favites I bought yesterday!

Unfortunately I had to do a little bit of adjusting in my 8 gallon yesterday. The purple acan managed to fall on the hammer coral right below it. When I discovered it i quickly moved them apart, noticed a wonderful brown rainbow of jelly on my hammer :grumble: and then began my panicked fragging. Lucky for me my hammer had two main parts -one with two heads and one with three- and it was easy to separate the two of them. In fact in fits in it's hole a little better now.. I took a littl piece off the acan as well because it had a little tiny bit of bown jelly on it. No worries though, it still looks nice and full...
hahaha, unfortunately an 8 is soo much easier to fill than a 46!
Everything saved now? kinda sucks when they fall on each other.

Tanks look great btw :D renewed my want to do a nano tank
Thanks everyone =) yeah it really makes me grouchy when my corals get knocked over. I'm almost at my wits end with that acan though, this is not the first coral it's taken out xD the thing really has personal space issues.
Hahah. Glue his ass down! That will show him! Tanks are looking great. It really shows when someone does a little research before jumping into the hobby. :)
Lol thanks ggNoRe, I work at a local fish store here, and we make a really good effort to give people proper information and the majority of us have saltwater fish tanks so I had a lot of experience before I got my 8 gallon =)
it definitely shows :) I know your frustration about stinging corals, I lost an elegance corals because my hammer fell on it while I was away, and my chalice peice wrecked a few spots on another one of my corals. Im a little shattered there.
It's not all bad...I "Dropped" my torch coral by some xenia that I had wayyy to much of once and it seemed to fix all my problems xD