MikMcgyver's 125 Build

Yes - I had it once (in an established tank). If it is the same thing, it's an algae bloom.... As this is a new setup I would be tempted to leave it. If you want to get rid of it though you'll need to buy a UV sterilizer - This is the reason I bought one - took it two days to clear once I switched it on.
It's difficult to see in the pictures, but it does look like the water is green (yellow?) - The only other thing I could think it would be is if something you have in there is staining the water... I hope it's just algae...
Are you using RO water?

BTW, besides from the algae outbreak, your tank looks freakin' awesome. I really like your aquascaping. When you tank is cycled, you should find someone who can scrape you off some coraline to seed you tank with. I seeded my 10 gallon with coraline and in no time it was full of purple.
My LFS guy has about 20-30 lbs of rock waiting for me to toss in. Its about 80% covered in coraline.. just gotta find a time to go get it and transport it so I dont get too much die off...
yeah, it looks like you are getting an aglae bloom. you may want to leave you're lights off for a few days. mine did that when I first set it up, I didn't know any better than to leave my lights on for 12 hours a day. needless to say after the third or fourth day of the water turning green I had hair algae growing everywhere. it took me six months to get rid of that crap!
Ok, fine..... Life has arrived in the 125....



A lil bit of aclimation and they are home...








Biffy the sixline is still hiding, will get a pic of her lata...
Nice pictures! I noticed you didn't post a picture of Biffy the sixline in her new home... I can't get a pic of my sixline to save my freakin life, they are really hard fish to photograph. Keep us updated!