Mixing different clown species


Reefing newb
Ok I've heard this is generally a no no because they are likely to fight (dependent on size species and size of tank) but I went to get a second percula yesterday, but petco only had the babies left and two of the fish were laying on the ground dying, so there was no way I was buying from that tank. Lately they've been having problems there, I've even talked to the manager about it cause the tanks used to be super clean and most of the fish healthy. Anyways, I got a maroon clown cause he looked super healthy. He is smaller than my percula and lot younger that I am sure. When I had my other percula that died (of ich), the one that is still alive was the dominant one. The maroon is in quarantine right now so I won't know how they act until like a month from now, but I figured, if it is a problem I can always exchange him fro a percula at a different fish store. What do you think? Any opinions or experiences? I have a 55 gallon by the way.

Here he is, I named him Geppeto, lol, just seemed like a good name for a clown. He's super healthy and active today:

James is right.Maroons are probably the most aggressive clowns you can get.
Instead of going to petco,why dont you make a saturday trip to chattanooga and come to Bermuda.
Yeah,its close to an hour and a half drive for you,But it would be worth to get healthy livestock.
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Beautiful fish! I had a tomato and mated percula, and they got on just fine. It really depends on the personalities of the fish. The fact that you are adding your maroon later than your percula may alleviate the problems mentioend above. Why not get a mated percula pair?
Yeah I've heard they are some of the most agressive. I was hoping this would be offset by the fact that the percula that is still alive was the agressive one. So I dunno, yeah Chatanooga is pretty far for me but there is another fish store in town I'm sure they would let me trade my maroon for a percula they have healthy live stock in general. However, does that store in Chat you're talking about have a good selection of coral frags? Cause the one here is town doesn't I might see how this plays out though, like I said I won't know for like a month or so.
Well,We've got a 380 and 2 280s in the walls,a 125,and a 55 and 3 120 gallon grow out systems.:D Yeah,we got plenty of healthy frags.
Plus,If I know when your coming.I can plan on being there and helping you out.
Heres a link.
Welcome to Bermuda Triangle
Sweet that looks awesome, way better than the store here. Yeah I'm gonna order my lights tonight or tomorrow (nova extreme's) so then after that I'll be able to start getting some corals so I'll let you know.
Yote, that store is awesome based on the pics...nothing around here is even close to that clean....most have ancient equipment for sale at super high prices, dirty floor and bad smells...based on the pics that is not the case for you...lucky...
Thanks Rwynn.:D
The other stores in town actually make fun of us because we do keep a CLEAN store.:bounce:
We also keep the tanks just as clean.That way folks know that their getting stuff that has been taken care of and properly handled.
It's funny you say that...Being new and not knowing alot, I've noticed alot of stores around here are also "run-down" . I finally found one that is clean top to bottom as well as the tanks, people are very friendly, and they're higher priced then everyone else. And they're always crowded. Because they do good business.

Kinda' creeps you out when you see a a fish you like and he's swimming around in a tank that could use a good scrubbing.