my 125 thread


Reefing newb
i sold my 100 and got this instead - i like bigger
the first pic is the craigs list ad and what it looked like befor i got it. now after a little work sanding, painting, drilling and fitting things into place were closer to having water. thanks to a few friends and good advice i think were on track for success.
craigs list ad pic

its mine now - first day here

location of the bean holes


sump in the stand


a little black paint. i used a spray gun, dam i miss painting in building 9, arizona knows what i mean



thanks everyone - im further ahead with this set up then with the other - easier to light, more room under tank for a fuge rather then the basement (3 holes in floor behind tank for future upgrades) algae scrubber is the next little task at hand. being there are 3 return lines i can use 1 for a scrubber, 1 for main return and 1 for emergency. kind of changing up the bean design a bit. no way will tank overflow with 3 returns. i think max i can push with the pump at the head pressure i have is around 900 give or take.
i just got a 20 gal tank with a stand that matches this one so i now have a quarantine tank with its own filter set up. will make it look just like this one - but bare bottom and maybe a pvc tube for hiding. catching up with some old friends from a few years ago has been very rewarding. when it comes time for corals i have been told you will get the best of the best so i cant wait. well thats about it for now. as i get things done i'll post up some pics and a story
plumbing update.
bean over flow system. short of coast to coast over flow box. pictures will speak for them selves.





just a few items left to get and were ready to add water maybe another week or so and water will flow. thanks to a few friends for some of the items i needed. harry, zona, jer
well a lot got done and i didnt update. pictures speak for them selves. nothing living yet but a few star fish and a ghost shrimp or two. pictures were taken with an ipad so there not the greatest but you'll get the basic idea



Sure, it's worthy! All tanks start out empty, and not everyone has Dennis' camera or skill (myself, for example). We love watching reef builds from scratch, so post away on the Showcase section!
thank you for the kind words and encouragement. i have learned a lot from you guys here, so its kind of like your build too with the suggestions and advice.
i have to upload some pics but i have so many things in the tank going on - purple algae, snails, pods, star fish, seems that everything cycled in about 8 days and the water tests perfect on all 7 test kits i have. going to find a cuc and get them in there and look into what i want to stock in it - im away for work so i will upload pics this weekend - i have some awesome pics