My 29g Biocube


Reefing newb
The aquarium is a Sera Marin Biotope Cube.

The filter at the back of the tank has 4 rooms:
Room 1:skimmer(PS130)
Room 2:Sera Siporax
Room 3:Active Carbo and Zeolith
Room 4:heater(100w)

The lights are as follows:
UV lamp 5w
2 T5 PL 24w

The pump that moves the water from the back room is a STP1000.
The wave maker is a Koralia Nano.

The top part is very smart:is has 2 fans and the lights inside, a door to feed the fish, it can be moved backwards and also be lifted and fixed using 2 solid plastic ''sticks''.

I have around 12kg of live rock(planning to add more) and coral sand of medium grannulation.

Here's a photo of how it looks like atm:

There are some more shrooms behind the rocks and the xenia is freshly trimmed,that's why it doesn't look full of life. It will grow back to full size soon.
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Thank you so much guys for the nice comments!
It's so annoying that very few animals are imported here(hermits,stars,snails and leather corals are true rarities...).I wish I had more invertebrates in my tank.
Welcome to the site, tank looks great, and that hammer is very nice.

You should try putting some more rock in the tank and build up a little more aquascaping. Will give it a more full look and also will give you more places to put corals and for fish to hide :)
As much as you think would make it look better. Try and pick peices you can place in the tank to make it look good :)
I will be asking my LFS to bring some new corals, and decided to get a bright red acan and a green-blue candy cane. Different sites say that the last one is easy to maintain, but requires occasional feeding. If my hammer does great whitout feeding, will my future candy cane do the same? :question:
I am also getting a red leg hermit crab.:mrgreen:
Update!Did some research. Along with the bubbles,gonioporas,zoas and palys, the candy canes are another species I won't get.It seems like they have a high mortality rate due to brown jelly and lack of feeding.:grumble:
hahaha, i dont think candy canes are that bad? someone else can chime in if Im wrong, but if you feed them it should be fine.