My first (55) reef tank

ahh theres one i didnt see! ok, i'm just trying to get an idea of what i should try and work towards for flow, cause i'm not happy with what i have now.. and since your tank is so awesome looking, i was thinking that you might be a good example direction to head in...
Awesome aquascaping Smitty! You should think of getting a cherub angel. He'd work wonders with any algae in the rocks. My little guy eats everything! I turn my powerheads off once a week, not together of course, and he swims inside the Koralia's to clean them. It's funny to watch. Also, he's fun to watch darting in and out of the rocks.
Ok...I had to get one so my clownfisg will leave my duncans alone, so i picked up a condy anenome. He is still doing well and I fed him some shrimp with no problem...
Your percula will probably not host the condy, condy's come from the atlantic (no clownfish) sometimes they the anemone will allow it but usually not. And the anemone has a stronger sting and the clown may not be able to adjust his slime coat.

I have seen a condy allow a clown into them and then eat them. Good Luck!
Yea. I had a condy years ago and he was also constantly moving all over my tank. They pose a threat to a lot of corals I think cause they move so much.
To draw your clown away from your nicer corals, get yourself some fuzzy or hairy shrooms. They are tough enough to withstand the beating of the clown, and clowns love them.