My hex tank adventure into the saltwater.

So I have 2 koralia 550s on the way. $52 shipped. Not too bad. I also got a timer powerstrip that has 2 day and 2 night outlets and 4 constant. I was thinking of running my main light and a powerhead on the day outlets, my refuge light on a night outlet, and the second powerhead on a constant along with the skimmer, return pump, and heater. That way I will have full powerheads during the "day" and one at "night." Any objections to that? I dont want to piggyback a powerstrip off a powerstrip. Electrical no-no. Ask my brother who lost his house to electrical outlet failure. (Family is ok and insurance got him a nice big new house so its all good) Im too paranoid to test my luck on that. especially in an older apartment building.
So today was pretty awesome. My apartment complex's washing machine is broke so I went to a laundromat with the idea that while laundry was going I would stop into a LFS a block away. I use to be a member there 5 years ago but after I moved its a bit out of the way. I took this laundry opp to make the trip knowing that was a laundromat was right there. What a great way to spend a couple hours in a fish store hanging out. Turns out, they are sponsors for the Twin Cities Marine Aquarium Society, (which I will be joining at the next frag swap) and offering the members of TCMAS wholesale prices on CUCs. So I got 6 asterea snails ($6), a Mexican Turbo($1), 2 Peppermint shrimp($8), and an emerald crab($3) for $19.58! Before the discount is was going to be somewhere around $50-60. I love getting a deal. Here they are acclimating.


I wish I had a sweet camera that took quality pics so I could win pico and get some free stuff. :) These took about 20 different shots to get anything good. I like em though.


so my koralia 550s showed up yesterday. They seemed alot larger than I expected once I put one in the tank. I held off on the second one because it seemed overkill. Because of the hex tank I had no idea where to place it. Well I came home today after work and my corals seem much less happy. I will post pics tomorrow morning, day off, woot woot! planning a water change. Also, I noticed after I put the my shrimp in the tank that I have a small cove that goes under my rocks where I didnt quite get sand into and now the shrimp just hang out in there during the day. I want to fill it in so bad but I feel as though the shrimp will never come out and I will bury them in there if I fill it. Any thoughts?
I need some advice on my flow.

I added two koralia 550s on the recommendations I do, however, now my corals are closing up and not coming out to how full they were before. Here is the location of the powerheads.

This is what the corals looked like a week ago, very happy! :D


Now today after having the powerhead on for 36 hours. Sad :grumble: I have never fragged anything before but think my hammer is growing outwards a lot and maybe I should try to on him. Or is this a Calcium deficiency?


The duncan looks really bad.

What do you guys think I should do? I am current running both Powerheads during the "day" and one at "night." NEED HELP/
Dont point the power heads directly at the corals, instead point them at the walls of the tank. That will keep the good amount of flow, but make it a bit more random and less intense in some spots.

Also, the corals look fine. Just give them a few days to adjust.
Added some more rock to my tank yesterday.


I think this is about as much as I am going to put in it. I have a nice cove for the perculas I plan on getting once someone takes my tomato off my hands but no one wants him :(


Got a frag swap this saturday! First one and am I pumped! Took the day off for it. Also going to look at some zoas tom at a dudes house who lives like 5 blocks away.
Here is the linnk to where I found them. What you guys think?
Zoanthids, Soft Coral, Saltwater Corals
Lots of small it. Zoas should be alright for my leds right? and as far as mushrooms I have no idea. I am trying to get as much color in my tank as possible with the leds.. My hammer is still kind of stalled out after the addition of the koralias. I am trying to find a lower flow area to place it. As far as attaching corals to rock, what is the recommendation for that? I have found low flow areas but a plug will not balance on the rock or the snails and crab knock it off. Frustrating.
oh yeah. When I was moving rock around and stacking the new rock that shy little brittle star finally cam out to say "Hi." Lets just say I about crapped myself when I saw it and went running for my camera. I took this pic, was checking it out on the camera then I went to take another and poof, he was gone. I shall name him Phantom.
