Need help with ID


Reefing newb
I was moving a rock in my tank today and when I picked it up I saw this..the thing in the red circle in the 3 pictures below. It is like a leech, or a slug, or something very flat that moves with rhythmic waves along its. It is like a purplish gray with small spots. Is it friend or foe? Sorry about the crummy pictures I had to take them with my Dsi again. Thank you all.


That is some type of nudibranch.At least that what it looks like to me.
Some are safe,some aint.But thats the biggest one I've seen a pic of.
I found one of those in my tank as well. I've not researched it yet. Try wetwebmedia, It looks like a flatworm or a nudibranch.

I have isolated mine until I find out what it is.
The Slug Forum seems to place coral predators in parentheses, so I would think it's reef safe.

Although, something THAT large I wouldn't trust anyways.
I think it's better to be safe than sorry in the long run. I'd get it out of the tank unless you're 100% sure what it is and if it's reef safe.