New to the show


Reefing newb
I'm new to this in the since I haven't had a saltwater tank yet, but I've been doing my research.

Here's what I've got and where I'm needing advice/tips. I purchased (last weekend) a 120 gallon tank and stand. I'm planning on purchasing a filter and protein skimmer sometime after friday (yay payday). I''m look for advice as far as what brands people recommend both skimmer and filter wise. I've seen people recommend both HOB's and Canister Filters and as far as skimmers I'm lost because I'm uncertain what is the best.

In a couple weeks (next pay day) I'm planning on purchasing my sand, salt, and a few pieces of uncured LR so I can start the process. I know it's going to take a couple months to get things rolling before I can put fish in it but my goal is ultimately to have fish in the tank by Halloween.

Any suggestions and tips I'll greatly appreciate.

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#1 Don't get either kind of filter, get a sump
#2 Why not get the sand, salt and a few pieces of uncured LR first then the skimmer in a few weeks? You can get started without the skimmer.
#3 If you do go with suggestion #2, try to see if you can fit a powerhead or 4 :mrgreen: in with that purchase, but definitely get at least one good size one.
#4 what are you going to use for light? That'll be your other big investment in this hobby
#5 Good Skimmers: Octopus, Deltec, Aqua C and ASM

Hope that helps :mrgreen:
#1 Don't get either kind of filter, get a sump
I would but I'm not familiar with the sumps. Plus I had a bad experience with a sump and had a big mess on my hands with a freshwater tank that I had. I know it was the only time but I'm a little lery of sumps.

##2 Why not get the sand, salt and a few pieces of uncured LR first then the skimmer in a few weeks? You can get started without the skimmer.
Honestly I hadn't thought of that. Thanks.

##3 If you do go with suggestion #2, try to see if you can fit a powerhead or 4 :mrgreen: in with that purchase, but definitely get at least one good size one.
I'll have to see if I can work it in.

##4 what are you going to use for light? That'll be your other big investment in this hobby
Haven't quite thought that far ahead. I know they're the big investment. I'm think a twin ballist of some sort because I want to have day and night lighting in it.

##5 Good Skimmers: Octopus, Deltec, Aqua C and ASM
Thanks, I'll do some looking in them and this definitely helps.
To get you thinking about the sump again, read this about refugiums, if it's really not in the budget or a bit much at the moment and you still want to go with a filter...I suggest JBJ EFU-35 Reaction 4-Stage Canister Filter -
I've got one in use on my 58 and I've been really happy with it especially after I replaced the POS Marineland cannister that came with my tank. While this is a really cool filter and has made my set-up a lot easier; I have found myself restricted in what I can add/adjust in my tank. Plus, when you don't use a sump, everything ends up in the tank and takes away from the look (i.e. filter pipes, protein skimmer, which should be a HOB in the case, heater, powerheads which would be in there anyway, and any and all macro algae you may want to use for natural water filtration).

Also, since it sounds like you're on a budget, a few people have been taking their chances with these guys and have been rather pleased. I too plan to take my chances with them in the near future as similar fixtures can cost 2-3x more.
To get you thinking about the sump again, read this about refugiums, if it's really not in the budget or a bit much at the moment and you still want to go with a filter...I suggest JBJ EFU-35 Reaction 4-Stage Canister Filter -
Let me ask this much, would I be ok to start with a filter? Once I can build a shelf above my current setup, move to a refuge above my tank since I have no holes in my current setup and I'm leary of drilling holes in the aquarium.

Also, since it sounds like you're on a budget, a few people have been taking their chances with these guys and have been rather pleased. I too plan to take my chances with them in the near future as similar fixtures can cost 2-3x more.

Haha yeah I've been preparing for this for 2 years, so I've got a little bit of money saved up for it.
To get you thinking about the sump again, read this about refugiums, if it's really not in the budget or a bit much at the moment and you still want to go with a filter...I suggest JBJ EFU-35 Reaction 4-Stage Canister Filter -
Would I be ok to start off on a filter and later move to a refuge? My current setup I have does not have any holes in it to allow for a gravity fed below, so I'm going to have to go above.

Also, since it sounds like you're on a budget, a few people have been taking their chances with these guys and have been rather pleased. I too plan to take my chances with them in the near future as similar fixtures can cost 2-3x more.

Haha yeah this has been 2 years in progress, I've got a bit of money saved up for this.
To get you thinking about the sump again, read this about refugiums, if it's really not in the budget or a bit much at the moment and you still want to go with a filter...I suggest JBJ EFU-35 Reaction 4-Stage Canister Filter -
Would I be ok to start off on a filter and later move to a refuge? My current setup I have does not have any holes in it to allow for a gravity fed below, so I'm going to have to go above.

Also, since it sounds like you're on a budget, a few people have been taking their chances with these guys and have been rather pleased. I too plan to take my chances with them in the near future as similar fixtures can cost 2-3x more.

Haha yeah this has been 2 years in progress, I've got a bit of money saved up for this.
You can build a very cheap refugium using plastic bins and a florescent light form home depot. Cheap refugiums are genrally not so aesthectical but you could hide them.

Refugiums are a cheap and easy way to get nitrates and phosphates way down and eventually this will be necessary for a reef tank. It is quite possible to build a sump/refugium that has a very low probability of flooding. Look at some the suggested designs above.
Haha, I didn't specificy earlier, but the reason why I posted the link for the overflow is because it's solution for not wanting/being able to drill a tank
If you don't feel like having a sump and a fuge, you should still skip on the filter altogther and just get a protein skimmer. Filters tend to worsen your water quality over time, and are very difficult to keep clean. They just don't work well for saltwater setups.
Haha, I didn't specificy earlier, but the reason why I posted the link for the overflow is because it's solution for not wanting/being able to drill a tank
Haha I kind of figured that much. I wasted a little bit of time at work (oops!) looking them up. Since that fixes that problem, what is everyone's suggestion size wise for a sump. Also where are the good places to get some information on building one?

Thanks | A simple sump project <---This guy is like "the sump guy", apparently

Typically you want at least 20% of your DT water volume, so for you, your looking at a minimum of 24 gallons, but the bigger the sump (e.g. total water volume) the more stable your system will be; also the more filtering media you can put in there (i.e. live rock, rubble, macro algae, etc.) so typically, go for the biggest tank that will fit your cabinet and just compartmentalize it for the different functions you want to use it for. | A simple sump project <---This guy is like "the sump guy", apparently

Typically you want at least 20% of your DT water volume, so for you, your looking at a minimum of 24 gallons, but the bigger the sump (e.g. total water volume) the more stable your system will be; also the more filtering media you can put in there (i.e. live rock, rubble, macro algae, etc.) so typically, go for the biggest tank that will fit your cabinet and just compartmentalize it for the different functions you want to use it for.

Dang go figure. I went and measured my cabinet and I'm about 3 inches short of being able to put a 30 High into it. Looks like I'm going to be in the market of trying to find a different cabinet or try and make some adjustments to my current one. I may have to see if I can take the stand back to where I bought it and get a different one.
I have pictures of my new tank, nothing has changed since a week ago, but I'm trying to put pictures up on here and can't figure out to do it. Any tips?
Thanks....Well here's the tank. I'm still trying to figure out fish wise where I could go. I'm still a few months out before I get fish but I'm just trying to get some research done and suggestions before I go and buy. It's a big tank, so I know I could go many directions. Any suggestions?


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