Odd pistol shrimp behavior


Reefing newb
Hi all, our pistol shrimp has been acting "odd" lately. It no longer hangs out in its burrow with his paired yellow watchman goby, he cruises the bottom of the tank day or night. He used to be a very active digger and now just looks lost wandering around the tank bumping into the sides. Sometimes he carries around a small rock or shell which is entertaing. Is this normal. All parameters in this FOWLR tank check out good. Thanks in advance.
Is he eating?

I always thought my pistol was weird because he's always out and about. I just figured he was extra ballsy.
Tanks been up for 4 months. I transferred him and his goby over about a month and half ago ( moved them from my 6 gallon nano) and they were fine then. I will get readings for mag and calcium when I get home. Maybe he's found a new interest in life. He was when food comes his way.