Phastrohs 220 Gallon Build - Pic Heavy

Re: Latest Photos of my tank.

Thanks a lot peeps.

I know in time it will get filled up and and mature. It looks better in person for sure.

The fish are so colorful it makes the corals look terrible hahaha.

I wanted to have large photos like you Smitty. I have a ton of web space so maybe I can post some bigger ones and link them. The photos are pretty clean and detailed.
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Re: Latest Photos of my tank.

Thanks to all of you.

The reason for this style of aquascape comes from multiple sources.

Source 1 - My Old Tank

It was an 80Gal. It was a wall of rock. THere was cramped swimming space and stuff was always behind the rock. I did not like the dead space in the back and I said I would never do that again. It is not the worst idea but it is just not for me anymore. I am totally an open tank aquascape lover now.

Source 2 - Find Nemo - The part when Marlin and Dori get to the trench is when I asked my wife how should would like to put a trench in the tank. While we do not have an exact trench it could be seen as an opening to one in some way. The idea was to make a trench and line it will corals. We already discussed one day if we move or build a house to has a 6'x4' tank that I can actually build a 3 foot long trench and fill it with corals. Build it into the wall and give it great depth as well as a back room for all the goodies. Whoa I better stop, I stared see LEDs hanging down and filters and stuff.

Source 3 - "A Reef in the Sky" - While I already had my mind made up on the layout this tank inspired me greatly. While I would not want to have a tank with that much care needed it is the overall detail and time and ideas that went into the tank. Anyone who has read through all the planning has to be seriously impressed.

So my original plan was to have the rock trail off and put a large dead coral at the end for the fish to be able to swim all around and hang out while giving them plenty of places to hide.

I also kept in mind the fish I would be keeping and wanted to give them plenty of swimming space. Although I have seen my Lieutenant Tang go from one side to the other so fast it look liked it teleported I think they have a lot of room(as much as I can give them) Not kidding it swam so fast I only saw the star and stopping points. It was easily the fasted thing I have ever witnessed and not only that it dove between the rocks at the same time.

Now with all the ideas and planning that I made before the tank change, me and my brother put these rocks in in one go. I probably moved 2 rocks if that when it was done. I could not believe it was that easy and nothing was moved. You know how it is, you move it then move it again and then again. Not here, just the rock on the right end. It has an underpass that you may not see in the pix.

I will admit I have moved the coral around a few times. That Torch Coral seems to always be slapping something.
Re: Latest Photos of my tank.

Thanks. Well you know the tank is still young and I am so looking forward to a year from now.

I already have a few corals on the scope that are must haves. Some Palys for sure.

I have been making logos for a few coral places so maybe I will get some nice ones instead of money.

I really am happy so far.

I am going to make a new thread about my Coral Banded Goby because he is ruining my tank. I love the fish but their is sand constantly on my rocks and corals and little holes everywhere.

Maybe I could have gotten one that sits only on the sand itself. No matter where I put this one brain coral he finds it.
Re: Latest Photos of my tank.

I am not to sure yet. It is a constant maintenance issue with him but I know he keeps the sand mixed up.

I really like him but he is annoying in that way.

If I can find another sand sifter(not a starfish) I may swap it out.

That is if I can even catch it. It eats sand and lives in the rocks. He usually isn't scared off that often but the net but I doubt I will catch him. It isn't like I can put in food in a clear tube and he will come like the other fish.
Re: Latest Photos of my tank.

Thanks. I actually just got a pink sponge today.

I don't know what It is but it is like a lot of pipes. I can't even find a google image.

I just put in my new sump and it is awesome. Same kind of 75gal tank but the redesign with the outside built bubble trap and small fuge is awesome. I can now easily slide out the double square x-large sump socks. 5-6 days between changes, what a success it was but it took 3 hours.
New Pix of my stuff.

The writing under each photo is directed to a local coral sales person so while they tell you what it is for this is mostly to show my new Cup Corals or whatever they are called.

Phastrohs 220Gal
Re: New Pix of my stuff.

Very nice pics...everything looks great and is flourishing well. I'm surprised the flame angel doesn't pick with corals.
Re: New Pix of my stuff.

Very nice pics...everything looks great and is flourishing well. I'm surprised the flame angel doesn't pick with corals.

Well I can't say I haven't seen it poking around the corals before.

I had a little frag of Nuclear Greens vanish a long time ago but that is it. Oh and some Zoas went missing but nothing else.

I am more surprised the Flame and Coral Beauty don't fight at all. Only their first 2 minutes together back a long time ago in the 80Gal.

I am pumped about those cup corals though. I waited a long time to get them. I am going to add a really bright green one here in a little while.

I actually traded for those new cup corals. I am not sure of the right names for them. Part of the payment for a logo I made. Here is a pic of the logo.


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