Photo Class Homework

C~ you asked me to post some pre and post color-edited shots. Here they are:





I hope this helps. :)
AG: is the only difference in those the conversion? or did you do other editing as well?

Thanks, this really helps!

Photo Class Participants:

Tonight we are supposed to do the Photoshop Elements Editing Class. Please let me know who is ready. You need to have Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 installed on your computer and ready to go. edit photos, photo editing program | Adobe Photoshop Elements 8

You can have the free 30 day trial version or you can purchase, it's up to you. Please let me know what your plans are so I can plan my day. Will you be attending?

Tanked, WOW! You did great with color!

In your first shot, there is a nice play with the lavender. You've got it in the flowers and in your background, that adds dimension. You need to watch your placement as your flower blob is dangerously close to the center of your shot! Use the Grid, young Jedi....

The second shot is very well composed and you've got a good color contrast.

Loving the bench with the reds and yellows! Nice texture, nice contrast! Save this shot, we'll clean it up when we move into editing and make it amazing.

Love very much your analogous color scheme in the last shot (shrooms?) Very cool. That would look great enlarged huge. We'll clean that up too and make the colors clean.

All in all, a good job!

Probablly wont be there tonight.

Also, I am having a very hard time with this homework. I just cant see much more than the drab winter colors that we have right now. I know I just need to go out and shoot but none of them are "popping"

Probablly wont be there tonight.

Also, I am having a very hard time with this homework. I just cant see much more than the drab winter colors that we have right now. I know I just need to go out and shoot but none of them are "popping"


BJ, just shoot something. Black and white count as colors so trees in the snow work! Also, look for the sun hitting your snow at an angle, you'll get prisms. Don't sweat this one, just shoot and go for interesting shapes that are not the same color, you'll be surprised at what you can find.

Well, I'm ready to go. Problem, the first night is how to organize your workspace and deal with white balance. I'll have to do a make-up class for BJ, Yote and Alexander. Should we do editing this Tuesday?

I wonder what happened. We started class right at 8:00. Humph. AG, when are you available for a make-up class? I'm good Wednesday and Friday? You?
