Pistol Shrimp


I have a 2.5 inch Yellow Watchman Goby My goby doesn't have a home and was woundering if I should get him a buddy. I have seen lots of pistol shrimp species, but what would be a good match for him and the other fish in the tank (2 clowns, 1 Pepermint shrimp, Cleaner shrimp, Coral bandit shrimp 10ish hermits)
I got a randalls pistol shrimp to pair with my Yellow Watchman Goby...I beliveve on LiveAquaria.com they had a list that had some options on different types of pistol shrimp to pair with goby's. My advice would be to get a pistol shrimp that is near your gobys size. My shrimp is tiny and all he does is hide...I rarely see him, and I think its because he is so small. I'm hoping he'll grow quickly.
I'd say get which ever one you like the looks of more. I don't think a certain type of pistol shrimp is more likely to pair with a certain type of shrimp goby, it's different then say clowns and anemones.