Please help! r/o di setup lost


Reefing newb
OK let me start here Moved from Brooklyn ny to las vegas was real hard breaking down my 75 gal oceanic reef tank and shipping it about 3000 miles well now for some reason i disconnected all lines from my r/o di its a 5 stage and cant remember where the lines go not sure if water feed line goes in to first chamber to 2sd to 3rd to 4th then thats where i'm not sure if it went to a valve first or to the di chamber up top then to the recovery tank this block with 4 lines screwed me up if some one has a illustration for a 5 stage please send it to me tyvm
yes helped a great deal but now after i set it all up seems to be producing way too much water my reading on the tds is 542 in and 521 out dont think it could be right but is producing 5 gals in 19 mins something way wrong it would take me 1/2 hr for less than a gal do you think my membrane went bad ?same amount of waste water as r/o water comes out steady now as which i would almost be a drip before
checked today before went looking to buy new membrane and tds reads 212 in and 62 out think i'm going to buy new membrane needed to do water change so went to walmart and bought some distilled water does anyone think this would be a problem till i get the r/o straightened out
That won't be a problem. A lot of people use bottled water from Walmart or the grocery store. If you read the label, it should say, "Prepared using reverse osmosis" or something to that effect.
Just wanted to say thanks to all for the help. It was in deed a bad membrane. now with new membrane Tds in 165 tds out 4 thankyou all this site rocks!!!
ok installed new membrane sedimate and carbon filters and tds reads between 19-20 is that acceptable or does it need to be 0-5?