Problems with Oceanic Aquariums??

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Reefing newb
Hi, I am new to living reefs forum but I have been in the hobby for over 30 years now. In that time I have owned many tanks and equipment and have seen the quality of brands I grew to trust take a nose dive. I was about to purchase an Oceanic 178 Ultimate Reef Ready tank when I was informed by my trustworthy local specialty reef/fish guy that he has been getting an increasing number of returns on large Oceanic aquariums. He informed me that Oceanic is using Chinese silicone and it is not doing the job it should be. Has anyone heard anything about this? I have never had an issue with Oceanic before, however, it has been 7 years since I purchased their 92 gallon corner tank. A lot can change in 7 years. Am I safe with the Oceanic 178 or should I consider Perfecto or going custom ?

Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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