Question about quarantine


Reefing newb
Hey do you guys (girls) typically do hypo or copper on all of your new fish coming in while they're in quarantine? Tangs especially? If you don’t, then how often do they turn out to be infected? I’m getting something good tonight (wahoo) and I am going to quarantine it.
Just so you know, if you haven't quarantined any of your present fish, there is no reason to quarantine your new one. If you have even just one fish in your tank that wasn't quarantined it will pass the parasite on to every new fish you put into your tank.
Just so you know, if you haven't quarantined any of your present fish, there is no reason to quarantine your new one. If you have even just one fish in your tank that wasn't quarantined it will pass the parasite on to every new fish you put into your tank.

Really? That seems a wee bit on the negative side. We'll just see about that. (My tang in quarantine just flipped you off, lol) :mrgreen: But thanks for your advice.
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I have seven fish in there now. They have been in there from 1-3 years and have never shown signs of ich. But I did have a fish with ich in there about a year ago. Would you pull all of them out and treat them? I guess I could but I will need to get another quarantine set up.

3 chromis
sleeper goby
Why worry? If you've had them for years, and they are healthy, don't mess with them. If they have been exposed to ich (which they have), then they are carriers, but can get by with never showing symptoms. Quarantining only the new fish will be pointless if you put him in the tank with all your other fish afterwards, so just let things be.
With that, picture Biff in this song clip:

[ame=]YouTube - Doris Day - Que Sera Sera[/ame]
Dang I can't see youtube at work. So I should just throw the little sailfin tang in there without QT? He's healthy and eating but who knows what other disease he has. He could have been sharing dirty needles or prostituting himself before I got him.
The fish you already have in your tank were probably junkies and ladies of the night before you obtained them as well. Since you didn't quarantine them, they already have hepatitis, HIV and herpes.