red hermit crabs not moving much

thanks dcantucson! 5 gallons? Is that the baby biorb? I don't think you can use the marine conversion kit on the baby - I believe it has to be the larger biorb which is about 8 gallons or more.

Dwarf sea horses would be great! I looked into it but it seemed to be too delicate for me.

I love the look of the biube/biorb, so I'm hoping my marine aquarium works.
I did a fish only in the 90's. Is the same tank I am using now. I had a undergravel on it with reverse flow powerheads and a hob filter (aqua clear) I ran that tank almost 10 years. Fo tanks are alot easier. However I have gotten the reef bug now so no undergravel for me anymore.
Hi, I just wanted to give you an update on my hermit crabs. They are both doing well - moving around like crazy. In fact everyone is moving around happily. It's really quite lively. I don't know if they have times where they "hibernate", but they seemed to have woken up and have been all around the tank this past week again. I did notice my live rock before had large patches of white and it now has areas of red and green algae. It may have been a shortage of food? Thanks for all your feed back. I have other questions but I'll start a new thread since it's about clownfish.