removing sand....


Reefer Madness
So I'm starting my fuge today when I get my overflow box and return pump in the mail. My fuge section isn't all that big so I was just going to take sand from my dt. Now I don't have any visable detrius bubbles in the sand I have a pretty good sand crew. Also my sand in in-between recommended heights. It isn't a deep sand bed more is it a shallow sand bed. I would like to remove enough sand to make it shallower as I am getting some bad buildup and I am attributing it tobthe awkward height of sand. Now the question ibhave IA howbto remove sand to bring it down to a lower level with out stirring up tobmuch bad stuff. Should ibscoop it while doing siphon or just do water change after or only do a bit at a time. Maybe it won't even be a big deal? Idk
How long has the sand bed been established? If it's only been a couple of months you shouldn't have a ton of bad stuff to release...
But, to be safe, I would take out a bit at a time, to avoid stirring anything up or releasing anything. What siphoning are you referring to?
Just my opinion, I'm sure others will chime in :)
Like have a siphon near where I am pulling sand as to catch anything that is released and remove it from the tank.
Oh, I gotcha. Well, it won't really catch nitrates if those are released...But, you should be fine to scoop out a little handful every couple days. Again, I think the worry is for sandbeds that have sat, unstirred for 6 months or longer. That's when stuff builds up in them, uneaten food and fish poo. But, doesn't sound like your tank has been up that long, right?
Yea I guess 4 months? But I have a crazy sand crew that stir it up so I guess ill just go with a bit at a time. Thanks!_
I had to remove all my sand due to a flatworm issue. Just use a thick clear hose to siphon sand and water out into a large rubbermaid tub. Any detritus should get sucked up along with the sand and go into the tub. Once the sand settles in the tub, siphon out the water, clean the sand if needed with some clean water, and enjoy your new sand!
I don't think he wants to totally disrupt the sandbed and its' established bacteria. Correct Kully? He just wants to remove a bit of it for a shallower bed. No need to suck out all of it, that would be counterproductive.
I was also wondering if I have a problem with sand. Hope you don't mind my piggybacking on this thread. I read that you should either have a deep sand bed, like 6 inches, or a shallow one, only 1 inch. When I bought my setup my LFS sold me too much sand I think, because I have 2-3 inches in some areas. Do you agree that it shouldn't be over 1" deep? My tank has been running for 2.5 months so I guess now would be the time to remove some of it. Thanks a lot for your advice.