Return Pump Recommendations


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
My Hy-Drive 2100 took a turn for the worse and now I am looking for a new return pump. In Sump and I have like 16" inches at max.

Thankfully my Mag 9.5 can serve as a backup and I have to say Mag Pumps seem pretty reliable overall.

I would like to get a new pump but do not want the same Hy-Drive return pump because I want something more reputable and better quality.

Like to stay in the $200-$250 range at around 2000GPH.

My tank is a 220Gal but I am pretty sure the returns are 600GPH each for 1200GPH so I see no reason to get any bigger of a pump than 2000GPH or even maybe 1600GPH but I figure with head loss 2000GPH is great.

Time to go install the MAG 9.5 Ughhhhh.

Just an extra note. You could not even hear this Hy-Drive pump running at all. I am shocked by its' silence.
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It was in the center section of the sump. I have a fuge to the left and the skimmer on the right and the return in the middle.

I can't plumb one into the system externally, well not easily and I actually think I made a decision. The pump you sent me is an excellent choice no doubt but for in sump I will probably go with a larger Mag Drive. I saw this on Bulk Reefs video and I may use the originally Iwaki(not the American version) if I use an external.

I just connected my Mag Drive 9.5 and man it shows in the sump water level and the incoming water but it is better than nothing while I order a new larger pump.

I was looking at the Mag Drive 2400GPH and this is after looking at as many in sumps I could find. This is also after finding it hard to find bad reviews as a whole with them. I also had been using this 9.5 for a long while with no issues.

I will have to really take a look at the external before my purchase though because I know they are a popular pump with a great track record but if I go in sump I am 99% on the Mag 2400GPH.

I could really have a huge space in the center of the sump though with no pump. I have my UV pump and my Carbon pump in there now.

With 7 powerheads and all those pumps and lights my temp is only 80 at most and normally 79ish.
On second thought I am not gonna drill my sump. Too lazy and too much for me to do. My 75 Gallon sump hogs up almost my whole cabinet on my Marineland stand. it is 6' for my tank so I have a 10Gal for my top off and also my Carbon Reactor and 12x Turbo Twist under there.
I use my 9.5 to mix my saltwater but right now it is working overtime as my back up.

You think 2 is better than the one 2400 meaning the 9.5 is more reliable?

I never heard anything bad about any of them.
I also have dual overflows and returns but I plumbed it with a splitter or a T but I wonder if 2 950s would be better than 1 2400.
Ok so I got the Mag Drive 24 yesterday in the mail and hooked it up last night.

Right away I could see things moving in the tank that the old pump which was 2100GPH as opposed to this Mag Drive 24 which is 2400GPH.

I do however have to admit that the Hy-Drive 2100 was not kidding totally undetectable when running in the sump. Whether you pull the plug or plug it is, it had 100% ZERO sound.

This Mag Drive is easily heard. I lifted if off the bottom of the tank and it is not coming from that. It is just the vibration of the pipes.

I was gonna put something between it and the tank but after lifting it, that is the last issue because the sound didn't change. I am hoping it may diminish over time but I don't know.

The only time the sound changed at all it when I put a little tension on the pipes at a certain angle, so I was going to unplug it and loosen the joiner and re-tighten it. I will also remove the pre-filter and see what that does.

I think if you didn't know what it sounded like you may say you don't hear it but after having a totally unheard pump anything is noisy.
When my Blue Line grenaded its internals, I had a Mag 24 that I ran externally on loan until I could get a replacement. It moved a lot of water, but when run externally (which I know doesn't apply to you) it was LOUD. That being said, it looks like its a well built pump and I've heard nothing but good things about it

FYI - Blue Lines and Pan Worlds are the same as Iwaki pumps, just must cheaper
Yeah I saw that on a Bulk Reef Vid. It is too bad the Hy-Drive got such bad reviews. When I say you couldn't hear it I mean no hum no nothing every.

I am not lying when I say silent. If I pulled the plug only the sound of water draining is how you could tell it was off.

I will try and stopping the vibrating even though it is a little one.

I noticed when it was not installed there was a little flap of rubber where the water comes out almost like a divider. I moved it a little but I wonder if that is the culprit.

I am not sure why it is even there actually and I will probably email the manufacturer to see if I can remove it without voiding the 3 year.
You probably could have went with a pair of Mag 12's. I like running a pair of pumps. If anything ever happens to one, I still have the other running until I get the replacement in the sump.
LOL, rebel of experience! :D

Srsly... the Eheims rock the eff out of the mags. Super quiet and super reliable, and well known for both of those traits.

But re-reading this initial post, i now see that he is looking for in-sump. Not sure if the eheims can be run wet. Mine is outside the sump. Which imho is easier for maintenance, as long as you have a ball valve and union on each side of it.
Yes it is for in sump. I do use a union and to take it out is less then 2 minutes as long as the plug plays nice coming through the mess of wires.

I have every plug labeled with what it is.

My return pump and heater are on an $850 UPS system. It is a APC SmartUPS 1500 and I got it for FREEEEEEEEE. I could probably hook up my Smartwave but would rather have the heater run for as long as possible.

Here is a pic of the pump and how it is hooked up. Do not mind the mess as I will clean it up tonight now that it is all installed.

Let me be a little more clear. It is not that you can hear this loud sound of the pump it is just when I open the doors I can hear the tiny vibration. It is just that my Hy-Drive was 100% inaudible. Trust me if you closed your eyes with your head over my sump you would not be able to guess if it was on or off.

Here is the photo and look how simple and fast removing it is. Bet it is faster than your external to remove.

Return-Pump by Phastroh1, on Flickr

Full-Bottom by Phastroh1, on Flickr
Here is my intake and skimmer section. You can see that is all the skimmer has after a week and sometimes 2 weeks it is not much more. You can see the bubbles are right where they should be. My tank has to have a low bioload. More corals than fish and for the first time ZERO Nitrates. WOOT TOOT!!! I think they have been 0 for month.

That is my eShopps intake with the 2 square bags. I redid the entire sump with the new 75Gal I got for $99 on sale at Marine Warehouse in Tampa. I had to move the skimmer all the way to the left of this side to fit it. The piece of plexiglass on top is to block splashing onto the wood door.

I built the bubble trap externally and then installed it into the sump and siliconed it in. It is a total square on its' own. Very study for sure with no give to the 2400GPH.

Skimmer-Intake by Phastroh1, on Flickr
This is where my Fuge(lots of rock and Chaeto only) is and only the water coming from the Carbon Reactor dumps in here. It has kept the area clean and it falls perfectly into the return area as you can see no bubbles, just a clear coating of water.

I have a ball valve coming from one of the return lines above it from the old set-up that I could always open to drain tank water in there but I probably will never open it again. I think it is fine with just Carbon Reactor water coming in.

You can see the tiny bubble of water from the hose in the top corner.

Carbon-Dump by Phastroh1, on Flickr
Bet it is faster than your external to remove.

Heh heh. Maybe, maybe not. :D
Two quick unions and mine is out.
What I like better is it's dry. Less mess and just seems easier not having to play in the sump.
Either way works though. Personal preference.