RightPet marine fish section


Reefing newb
Hi - Sarah was nice enough to say that it would be ok for me to post this.

I’ve just added a Marine Fish section to my website and was wondering if any LivingReef members might be able to offer some input?

RightPet is a site which allows individuals to rate the breeds/species of pets they have owned, as well as recommend the pet services/businesses they like. For each fish species (separated into freshwater and saltwater sections), users can rate attributes like appearance; compatibility with its own species / with other species; habitat requirements; activity level; health/vigor etc.. They also give an “overall” rating and then give a written review. The idea is that potential owners can read these ratings to get first-hand input on the pluses, and challenges, of each species.

Here is the Saltwater Fish section page. As experts in marine fish, it would be wonderful to get some feedback from members on specific species. If our list is incomplete, or if any descriptions have mistakes, it would be great to know.

Cheers, Brett Hodges
Founder / Editor
Thanks - it's certainly a work in progress to be sure. Hopefully there is indeed some educational value to hearing from people who have owned animals - lessons learned, strengths and weaknesses of each pet type. The marine aquarium fish has been harder to get much activity in than say, dogs, but hopefully over time can gather sizable numbers of ratings for most species.

Any suggestions on things that could be done better would be most appreciated! Brett