

Reefing newb
So let me ask what is most folks preferences on rock -scapping. What are the downfalls to stacking rocks on the back glass and what do most people do in reference to allowing space between the glass on all sides. My thought is dont stack it. due to algae growth and detrius build up on the back galss and not being able to clean it. Help on this subject. I want the deep look to the tank, and not sure how to do this.
You should be fine if you angle it. Start with the bottom rocks away from the glass and build it up to where the tops are on it. That should give you some room behind the rock, and help to steady it so it won't fall forwards. Leave at least 2" on the sides to allow a scraper to get in as well.
I have a couple of rocks really close to the glass, and I really regret it. It's only a 12" wide tank though, so there's not much I can do. I suggest a powerhead to get some flow back there, mine has been a detritus trap.
My rock is stacked the way Fast described.You just have to make sure that you have enough flow to keep waste from settling back there.
Make sure you rock on the bottom of the tank and not on the sand. Sand dissolves. Some people have had catastrophic glass-breaking avalanches that desroyed their tanks and living rooms!