Should I glue down my mushroom?


Seahorse Whisperer
I got this new 'shroom on Tuesday. He was attached to a little piece of LR. I tucked the LR into a nice hole but the 'shroom was kind of flapping in the current. I decided to move the 'shroom and when I picked up the rock, the think jumped off. The only place I could get it to stay was on a littl ridge next to JoJo. The next day, he had moved himself very close to JoJo and now they're touching. Both the new 'shroom and JoJo are turning white where they touch and JoJo is kind of shrunk up only in the spot they touch. Is this bad for them? Should I try to move the new 'shroom? How would you move something that has grabbed onto a rock?

If they are turning white, then they are stinging each other. So I'd say move it.

You can either glue it down, or you can take a disposable plastic cup, throw some rock rubble in the bottom, toss in the shroom, then cover the cup with some mesh from a fabric store and rubber bands, then leave the cup in the tank for a week or two until the shroom attaches.
I couldn't get the new 'shroom to let go of the rock he grabbed on to. He touched two of the 3 polyps of JoJo. One of the polyps is very small and has a whitish edge where the big 'shroom touched it. The big polyp of JoJo that touched the 'shroom didn't turn white at all and it hasn't shrunk up or anything. The big 'shroom scooched over just a bit so it is about an eight of an inch away from JoJo. I hope that little polyp is ok. Hopefully, I'll know tomorrow. The big 'shroom has a little tiny white stripe on it's edge but otherwise looks fine. I'll see if I can get it to let go tomorrow.
shrooms go where they want to, when they want to. can you move JO JO instead? soft corals can not be glued, they can slough off the glue. biffer has a viable solution in that you will be able to glue the material it attaches to to a place of your choosing.