Sick Yellow Tang


Reefing newb
I've had a yellow tang for nearly 3 years now and suddenly he has stopped eating and is starting to look malnourished. I can't see anything wrong with him physically (other than losing weight) and none of my other fish are sick. The only thing out of the normal is one of my ballasts went out so I only had 3 of my four lights running for a couple weeks. During this down time a patch of red slime algae has started up as well, but I only show trace nitrates. He ate some bloodworms and flakes yesterday, but today he isn't eating anything and I'm afraid he isn't going to last much longer. :( Do these symptoms sound familiar to anyone? I hate to just watch him go, but I'm also afraid of stressing him out further by trying potluck treatments when I can't tell what is wrong...
Do you also provide him with lots of algae sheets? Is he starting to lose color? That powder blue definitely needs to be in a bigger tank soon (125g or more). Can you post your parameters (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, ph, salinity, temp, etc)? How's the powder blue doing?