SPS health issues "Help!"


This is my reef club....
Just got an SPS from a lady at my LFS. It is about 5" tall and about 4"wide. It has about 7 branches. It has several pieces that have exposed skeleton.

Should I cut off the few pieces that have good color and basically "frag" it and discard the exposed pieces or should I try to save the whole piece. This is my first attempt at an SPS(I already know only buy healthy corals...please read the next post by Hoopsdaddy and I will explain) and I would like to attempt to save it. The darker spots on the coral are the polops. They popped out while I was typing this up. Any and all help would be appreciated.
Here is a pic. Sorry about the quality I have 400W MH about 2 1/2 feet above it and my camera ain't all that great.
Is this a Horn coral, Hydnophora? Thats about right I go and get a very aggressive coral first. Nice work HD.
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That's a hydnophora. Very slow growing coral. If it really expelled it's polyps, that is not a good sign at all. The coral is stressed big time. Fragging it will only stress it more.
My hydnophora was like that when I got it,A little over a year ago.Just give it good water and light,and it should come back.Mine did.
But in the year and a half I've it,its only grown maybe a quarter inch.But there is no exposed skeleiton.
Yote yours had exposed skeleton also? If I can save it that would be a sweet deal.
Ok guys, do I need to feed? I know its calc, stron, iod, and mag needs but do you "feed" it. I read that it takes meaty foods? So will it basically also filter feed?
Remember this is my first SPS and I want to start good practices even if this one doesn't make it.
Yote yours had exposed skeleton also? If I can save it that would be a sweet deal.
Ok guys, do I need to feed? I know its calc, stron, iod, and mag needs but do you "feed" it. I read that it takes meaty foods? So will it basically also filter feed?
Remember this is my first SPS and I want to start good practices even if this one doesn't make it.

Yeah,Mine had exposed skelton and came back with no problems.
Most SPS will feed on zooplankton,but it needs to be something small like rottifers,or I been feeding the Brightwell Aquatics zooplankton about once a week.Phytoplankton will feed the pods and cause them to reproduce which will give your SPS some good live food.
Toss the strontium.Your salt mix will have all that you'll need.I dont like to dose iodine either.However I do keep a bottle of Lugols iodine on hand to dip any new SPS in before I add them to my tank.
However I do keep a bottle of Lugols iodine on hand to dip any new SPS in before I add them to my tank.
OK Yote, please don't think im being rude here but this is my first SPS. Why do you do an iodine dip?
Also, something like DT's for the fuge would be a good idea?
Brightwell Aquatics zooplankton?? I know you get yours at work but would most zooplankton products work ok??
Sorry for so many questions but I want to get it right.
It looks like a hynophora with its flesh/polyps retracted.Really common when you first introduce it to a sytem.In a week or so,you should see the flesh,hopefully.I've find they really don't like to blasted with flow.

Personally,I've never fed mine unless you count the cyclopeeze(zooplankton) I add to tank for the anthias.Any of the micro foods-cyclops,zooplankton,rotifers,prawn eggs will work,I suppose.
Don't try to frag it. SPS often recover from when they've had areas bleached or die off.

Iodine dips prevent parasites from being introduced into your tank on the corals. Some parasites are SPS-specific (redbugs, for example), while others are specific to other types of corals (like zoanthid eating nudis or spiders).
OK I get why you do it. Now, do I mix a diluted solution or just dunk it in pure iodine??

Man I could kick myself for not studying up a little more before I got this frag.
With the solution I got,You dilute it.25 drops to a gallon of saltwater from the tank.I'll generally go 30 drops instead though.
Once I get the water from tank and the lugols added,I'll let the coral sit in it for around 30 minutes,then add it to the tank.
I keep an empty salt bucket just for that purpose.
As for feeding zooplankton,you use the ones Reef mentioned.Or Reef Nutrention sales rotifers and cyclops.I just like the Brightwell because it dont cost me anything.
You can dip em all Dustin.Shoot,I've even give em a fresh water bath before.A 10 second dunk will usually take care of any parasites.