Stag's 125 build

That is one SHARP rabbitfish.
The ETRC is having a frag swap up there somewhere this weekend Stag.
I dont know where exactly though.

Yote this one is for you.
I picked up this guy and put him in my nano yesterday.


mantis are such amazing creatures, great personanlity. I love mine. Her name is Sunny. :) I had one for 5 years before her Mr. Nice guy. I have a video of him in my 180 thread :).
So I also got a Diamond goby the day I got the mantis, Well today I realized I havnt seen it at all and was curious if something happened to it or what not.

So im looking around the tank and I seem to find him, in my overflow. So that was a pain but I just put it back into the tank and he seems to be making a home. So thats good. Ill get a pic when he becomes less shy
sorry to hear about your corals. Good luck with the angel. Wish I could give you some words of encouragement but the best I can say is "stuff dies in this hobby for no known reason" Or how about a quote from George Carlin "if you want to teach your kids about death get them a aquarium"
He didn't say that did he?

Yea Stag sorry about the corals. Maybe you were just having to much fun this summer and neglected them a bit too much? :lol: