switching sumps?


Reefing newb
Acquired a 125g with 30g sump. Currently runs intake with skimmer-> dsb/miracle mud section with some live rock-> poly filter-> return with purigen and carbon reactors (not always running). Tank has 2-3 inch sand bed with somewhere between 90-100 pounds live rock and cleanup crew from reefcleaners. Will be doing a re-scape adding 75-100 pounds dry rock in the next 7-10 days. My question has to do with changing sumps. I'm looking at doing a custom diy 55g(or bigger if it will fit and i can afford it) into sump with refugium. I want to move the dsb/miracle mud to the new sump, add around 25 pounds of rock, and increase the overall volume. Besides the possible/probable level spike/recycle, any other concerns or input? One of the biggest reasons for the change is my fear that the current sump can not handle the 800+gph turnover I'm after (minimizing power heads in the tank). Tank has been in my house running for about 6 weeks now. Had a HUGE algae issue when i got it.

Daily evap loss=3/4 to 1g
I have swapped sumps before...just don't reuse any sand or mud, add fresh mixed saltwater and you should be good to go

why is your ammonia at .25?