Tang Spots


Ol' Salty
My Kole tang has developed three large spots on its underside, near the head. They are somewhat large, and similar to the spots my clown had a while ago. Is this some sort of recurring parisite or could it be more urchin stings? Spots are about the size of a pencil eraser in diameter and white. I really don't think it's ich, but I have never had ich so I wouldn't really know what to look for.
Hmm, do you have a picture of the marks? If your clowns had the same problem earlier it may be ich, but normally ich leaves small white marks not like how you've described.
It's def. not ich, I think he may have ran into my urchin. Has me worried though, because I lost a fish yesterday all of a sudden.
Glad he's recovered Amba! Did your clown recover? Maybe its time to trade your longspine in for a tuxedo or shortspine pincushion?

And I am sorry to hear about your cardinal :(
The clown is fine as well, it's strange because I have had the urchin in with these fish for a while now, and never had any problems. I do have a pincushion urchin. I had noticed the fish avoiding the urchin a bit more however, because they would occasionally run into it face first.