Undulated Trigger tankmates


Reefing newb
Hey I have been looking at getting a new fish for a while now and really want to get an undulated trigger. I have read a lot of things about them and how they are extremely aggressive at times if they aren't constantly fed. I was just wondering if a small undulated would be ok with the fish i have in my tank right now. (dwarf lionfish, volitan lionfish, niger trigger, clownfish, and a blue damsel) They are currently in a 55 gallon tank which within the next year i will be upgrading to a 125+ and only plan on getting a small undulated. I was wondering if this is a stupid idea or if the aggressiveness can be managed by keeping its belly full?
I wouldn't think it would be wise to have two triggers in that small a space. Even if they're both fairly small, I think their territorial nature would cause serious issues in a tank that size. Wait until you upgrade, and then it might be feasible.
Undulated triggers are aggressive even when well fed.Their bastards.
Chances are it wont be a problem for the lionfish.But the Niger,clown,and damsel will probably end up dead.
I wouldn't advise getting fish like that unless you have concrete plans to upgrade tanks. Saying "hopefully next year I'll have a 125" isn't sufficient, IMO. They need a much larger tank than a 55. Stock for the tank you have, not the tank you think you might have later.

That said, they are some of the more aggressive types of triggers out there. I don't think it would get along with the other fish.