Visually unappealing lighting


Reefing newb
Well I finally got my new Corallife 50/50's in the mail today. 10,000k and actnic. So I poped um in and...ick. I really dont like the look of my tank now. Everything is so blue. Everything in the tank looks dull and dark. The only thing is now the green in my brain coral looks kind of irridecent. I know that everybody shudders when sombody says 6700k but I prefer the more natural lighting that the 6700's gave. I think my tank looked so much better. Is there a way to get a more natural feel to the lighting without starting an algae farm? As always thanks for your input,
Does that fixture use PC bulbs? the power compact bulbs are known to run really blue. For looks and for coral growth you would be much better off switching to t5 lighting or metal halides.