What can i add??


Reefing newb
Snowflake moray
Red V-tail grouper
CandyCane Soldier Fish
Sailfin Tang

Sandsifter star
Star polyps
torch coral
slipper coral
long spine urchin
mixed hermits and snails
brittle star

Was wondering what to add? I dont care whether it is an invert or fish.
P.S should i get rid of my grouper i am trying to convince my dad to get rid of it but he is attacted to its nice red color.:^:
yo im a beginner but i think u should add a nemo fish(clownfish), a dorthy fish the blue ones, a pistol shrimp caues they r ownage, and something called a goby cause they r like friends. and lastly a thing called a mandarin fish they look so k00l. =D maybe some hermit crabs or snails too =]
well your right almost anything you put into that tank with a grouper will be hamburger. So that being said I would either A get rid of it or B only get something that will defend itself , like a volatine lionfish or somthing. But me personaly i would get rid of that mean sucker. :shock:
and groupers get huge. Ginormous. I'd get rid of it-- take back to the LFS for some credit.

charm, I answered you in you other thread.

I am confused tho-- are those fish you listed ones you already have, and you're looking for other options?
Those up at the top are the ones i have currently and the grouper is hard to catch. He is quick and the tank is rather large with multiple hiding spots.
Whens the last time you went fishin for grouper? :mrgreen:

+1 Liljoker.If you add anything else,it'll have to be something the grouper wont go after.
well i tried the soda bottle invention but he simply busted though it. So i add stonger adhesive, still busted through, tried a commercial trap; he isnt that stupid and i caught every other fish in the tank
kind of primitive but i guess if it works it works.
Im going out of town for spring break and i was wondering what to do
my LFS said they will take care of my fish but i dont trust them
so im paying one of my moms friends to help and im gonna teach her the basics i want my fish to surviv the week im gonna be gone but i want it to be easy on her .
Im doing a water change that is larger than normal hoping it will cover for the next week, also i have been fatting up my fish hoping if she messes up they will hold out
Any ideas??
If you are only going to be gone a week there really shouldn't be any big issues, unless there is a failure of some sort. You are doing a water change, so you're good there. You only need her to feed the fish every other dayor third day. Are you dosing? If so you can work on stretching that out as well. The only thing that will need to be monitored closly is the addition of RO water to keep the tank level up during your absence.