What do you guys thimk of my stocklist?


Reefing newb
Just FYI- It is going to be a reef tank.

1 One Spot Foxface
1 Coral Beauty Anglefish ( I already know that its kind of a gamble)
1 Bicolor Dottyback ( Will it eat my cleaner shrimp?)
2 Occelaris Clowns
And I hope to have a Halichoeres Wrassse, however I need to know how much of a threat it poses to inverts. Specifically any cleaner shrim I add.

For cleaners, I was thinking of a skunk shrimp or two, a fire shrimp, and two or more peppermint shrimp ( can I have so many shrimp in a 135g aquarium, or will it be a little over kill)

I also may add a Naso, Purple, Yellow, Blue Hippo, or Kole Tang later on.
The shrimp sound fine, you can easiy keep all those in a 135. I dunno about that foxface AND coral beauty in a reef tank though. They both have the potential for coral munching. I have a dwarf angel that has thus far left my corals alone, as I am sure others keep foxfaces in their reefs. I just don't know if I'd chance both.
I wouldn't have a dottyback as I like my shrimp too much.
The foxface should be fine with your corals, I had mine for 2 years in my reef without any problems.

If the shrimp are more important to you then the wrasse then I'd look at a safer wrasse choice like Leopard, flasher, or fairy wrasses.
They aren't usually too bad with the snails and hermits but, occasionally you'll have to add more to replace whatever the wrasse goes after.
My wrasse has taken to flipping the snails over and then swimming away. He's gotten pretty proficient at it. Also, he will leave cleaner shrimp alone, but has devoured any peppermints I have tried adding
FWIW, I'm not far from you. In Roswell actually, near the Cobb county line. If you wanna chat about tanks sometime, PM me. I'm no expert but it helps to have another set of eyes sometimes.