what is this


Reefing newb
I have a blue hippo Tang in his black strip he has a white dotted line going through it weird what does this mean and its on both sides NO itch spots at all he eats a lot both rods food and seaweed on a chip. Healthy fish :sfish:
It sounds like it could be the start of head and lateral line erosion (HLLE) which is a disease that is pretty common in tangs that are stressed, malnourished or in tanks with poor water quality. The diet you are feeding him is good, but if you have a hippo tang in a 40 gallon or 29 gallon tank, those tanks are too small for him. Hippos need a minimum of 75 gallons and 4 feet of swimming space. Stress from a small tank can make them sick.

Can you post a pic of the fish?